This type enables you to add date as a value. Eg: Date of Event, Birthday
This type allows you to add text values into a single cell. This is best used when you want to store information that is unique to a person or organization. Eg: Interests, Stage, Industry
This type enables you to add a smart Google Maps location as a value. Eg: Address
This type enables you to add number as a value. Eg: Deal Size, Check Size, Revenue
This type enables you to add organization objects as a value. Eg: Place of work, Co-Investors
This type enables you to add person objects as a value. Eg: External Source, Owner, Friends
This type allows you to add values in a particular order as well as assign colors to them. This is the equivalent of a pick list. Eg: Status, Priority, Ranking
This type enables you to add a long text block as a value. Eg: Summary
All the Types listed below can be referred through looking at the Affinity web app as well.
Notes: The API currently does not support updating and modifying fields. This must be done through the web product.