FieldCreateParameters: FieldBase & {
    allows_multiple?: boolean;
    entity_type: EntityType;
    is_list_specific?: boolean;
    is_required?: boolean;
    list_id?: number | null;
    name: string;
    value_type: number;
} & ({
    is_list_specific: false;
    list_id: null;
} | {
    is_list_specific: true;
    list_id: number;

Type declaration

  • Optionalallows_multiple?: boolean

    This determines whether multiple values can be added to a single cell for the field.

  • entity_type: EntityType

    This describes what type of list this field will be associated with.

  • Optionalis_list_specific?: boolean

    This determines whether the field object belongs to a specific list. If set to true, you must pass in the appropriate list_id.

  • Optionalis_required?: boolean

    This determines whether the field object is required.

  • Optionallist_id?: number | null

    The unique identifier of the list that the field object belongs to if it is specific to a list. This is null if the field is global.

  • name: string

    The name of the field.

  • value_type: number

    This describes what values can be associated with the field.