FieldsQueryParameters: Partial<FieldBase> & {
    exclude_dropdown_options?: boolean;
    list_id?: number;
    with_modified_names?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optionalexclude_dropdown_options?: boolean

    When true, dropdown options will not be returned in the response.

    Pass the exclude_dropdown_options flag to exclude dropdown options from the response. This may be useful when the payload is too large due to too many dropdown options.

  • Optionallist_id?: number

    An unique identifier of the list whose fields are to be retrieved.

    Pass the list_id to only fetch fields that are specific to that list. Otherwise, all global and list-specific fields will be returned.

  • Optionalwith_modified_names?: boolean

    When true, field names will return in the format [List Name] Field Name.

    Pass the with_modified_names flag to return the fields such that the names have the list name prepended to them in the format [List Name] Field Name (i.e. [Deals] Status).