UpdatePersonRequest: {
    emails?: string[];
    first_name?: string;
    last_name?: string;
    organization_ids?: number[];
} & PersonReference

The request object for updating an organization.

Type declaration

  • Optionalemails?: string[]

    The email addresses of the person. If there are no email addresses, please specify an empty array.

    Hint: If you are trying to add a new email to a person, the existing values for emails must also be supplied as parameters.

  • Optionalfirst_name?: string

    The first name of the person.

  • Optionallast_name?: string

    The last name of the person.

  • Optionalorganization_ids?: number[]

    An array of unique identifiers of organizations that the person is associated with.

    Hint: If you are trying to add a new organization to a person, the existing values for organization_ids must also be supplied as parameters.